Wednesday 21 November 2007

Ghost Hound first 4 episodes - Impressions

Well i was trying to hold up on writing about Ghost Hound until i'd got some sort of grasp about whats going on in it. However, it soon became apparent that that wasn't going to happen any time soon.

For those of you who don't know, (read: everyone), Ghost hound is an anime (yeh, sorry) that started last month, and will be running for 22 episodes. It has been hailed already as the 'gem of the fall season' so i tought id try it out.

The plot focuses on the paranormal, following Toro, a kid who, after being abducted with his sister 11 years ago, has had OBE's in his sleep (outter-body experiences) that he trys to make sense of. The whole him and his sister storyline seems to be the main one throughout the show.

The characters range from great to fairly generic; the feeblish underdog in Toro, Makoto as the cool grumpy kid, the mysterious Miyako, and the brilliantly camp Masayuki; who is later revealed to having a very interesting dark past...
All the characters, like like Toro, experience OBEs throught the show, achieved by a variety of means; Makato, for example, getting them through use of his guitar.

Sound is a key part of the anime, all setting an extremely atmospheric tone that fits the genre well. Speaking of sound, check out the op, its one of the best i've seen^^

Anyways, Ghost hound is an anime with alot of potential, and i havn't quite decided if its extremely boring or extremely interesting. Time will tell....

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