Tuesday 4 December 2007

Baccano! - Impressions

Well as you might but probably don't know, i been looking for a decent anime to watch ever since i finished Death Note, but nothing has come close to being as good as it, and i kept giving up on shows after the first episode. But the other day i remembered about this one that id been meaning to watch; Baccano! (yes, the ! really is part of the name)

Anyways its freakin awesome, i mean how can it not be, its an anime about the fucking mafia!!

It has great animation and character design, fitting Bebop-like jazzy music, and decent action scenes, with not shortage of blood and gore. Most cruicially, though, it has an interesting and dynamic plot.

There is a huge ensemble of characters; especially for such a short show of 13 episodes, as you can see from the OP below. The plot cuts between them frequently, as they cross paths and shiz.

So then, Bacanno! seems to, unlike many certain other animes i have watched, have a plot that every episode seems to be contributing to; rather than just a bunch of mini arcs; it almost seems more like live action drama shows like 24 or the sopranos at times than your average anime.
It revolves around this bunch of dudes who have the power to regenerate, this giving some awesome scenes as people are literally ripped apart with miniguns, only to get up, unphased, just a few minutes later.

I shall have to see if this greatness can be retained through the rest of the show... i shall most probably finish by sometime later this week... (!)

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