Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Bonus Post


So, I'm halfway through exams, going alright so far. Thats about all I have to say...

Friday, 2 May 2008

Hiatus and more

For my 3 regular readers, you might have noticed a distinct lack of blog posts of late; it's that time of year when exams are rearing their ugly heads. I, having done fuck all revision as of so far, have a lot of catching up to be doing and therefore am putting this blog on hiatus for the time being. Fear not, they'll be done and done this time next month, but until then, this meaty post will be all there is. So, lately...

- No I haven't played GTA IV, as im trying to cut down on distractions from studies. Seeings how the internet appears to be raping it, i suspect it won't be long before i buckle and buy it, though. Can't say I've ever been a huge fan of GTA, it always seemed liek a jack of all trades, master of none, but apparently this is sorted for this version. And the multplayer sounds incredible. I NEED to play Cops 'n Crooks.

- These jeans are perhaps the greatest Jeans i have ever seen in my life.

*Cue massive wave of masturbation, 'Joystick', and penis jokes*

Fave comment - 'Someone get that angry german kid a pair of these'

- Lost is back on top!! Brilliant episode last week centering around Ben. That said, this week's was shit. Shit. Sooner they realize that no one gives a fuck about Jack and Kate the better...

- The Departed is an astonishing film

- Boris Johnson is a buffoon of a man who in no way deserves to be mayor of London. (this is the first and only time i will mention politics on this blog)

- You'll be glad to hear that Ricky and Karl appear to have made up, and there may indeed be one last podcast to come. Too lazy to explain it so head over to pilkipedia if you need to know more.

- The Reading lineup god even more godly with the addition of Crystal Castles, Hadouken!, CSS, Alexisonfire, Be Your Own Pet and more.
In fact, shit, i just noticed The Whip are playing!! Sunday is shaping out to be perhaps the best day ^.^

- I continue to enjoy typography

- Beck appears to be a good anime and the Naruto Manga is far superior to the anime

- I guess I'll leave you with a lolcat...

Oh go on then, one more

Anyways, I'm off to watch the Derren Brown - Peep show double, for now.... ciao.

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