Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Tree of the Week

So, to make the blog address and name slightly less random and pointless, heres first of a weekly feature, tree of the week. Lets start with one of the all time videogame greats

The Great Deku Tree

Basically this dude is the biggest & most badass tree you'll likely meet. Not only does he rule over this freakish race known as the Kokiri, but he has an entire first dungeon inside of him!!

And monsters, and lets not forget that freakish Spiderthing boss at the end of the level. Ya know, the one that was completely ripped of in Twighlight Princess? Queen Gohma. Excelleeennntt.

He sure has 'great' in his title for a reason.


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Nice Boat!

Epic. James May, Jeeremy Clarkson, and Richard Hammond (of top gear) cross the British Channel in amphibious cars... youtube it

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Review - Babyshambles - Shotter's nation

Well, i say i'll do some reviews on here, so why not start with something i really love?

Babyshambles - Shotters Nation

First things first, there are pretty much two people in the world; the type who think Pete Doherty is the idiot junkie ex - boyfriend of kate moss, who gives cocaine to his cat (see here - ) , and the other, more musically knowledgeable ones, who recognise him for his incredible music, in both the Libertines and now the Babyshambles

Suffice to say, i fall into the later group.

The first Babyshambles album, albion, is widely regarded as being an 'unlistenable mess', but i have to say, i quite liked it,and after a few listens, songs like 'La Belle Et La Bete' 'What Katie did next' and 'Albion' being well up there in my favorite songs.

The new Babyshambles effort is certainly alot less sloppy in terms of production, and has as a result become more critically successful. The first single from the album; Delivery, a great heavily Kinks-esque song, sets the album as being a far tighter effort than any of the band's previous work. My initial worry was that this was going to make tha album somehwat generic, dull, boring. After a few listens i was very much reasurred.

The album draws influence from all sorts of bands, if its the Cure on the brilliant 'There She Goes', or hints of britpop in 'Deft Left Hand', giving a varied sound not disimilar to their debut with Albion.

Pete's lyrics are, as standard (if a little egocentric... Don't always have to write about yourself, ya know?') with lines like 'She's far too good looking / to do the cooking' in Baddies Boogie

So, seems Pete's done it again, and this time, the Babyshambles have pleased not only me, but the critics and fans aswell.

9 / 10


- Side of the Road - Baddie's Boogie
- There she goes
& don't forget the very Ska influenced 'I Wish' (Blinding B-side)

Random t'internet's game of the week

Lets get things kicked off with a serious awsome internet flash game, from candystand


Basically the aim of the game is to stop these crazy vectoid things from going through this tunnel thing and out the exit. You do this by putting these canon weapon gun things, called towers, on prime locations on their path, and watch as your guns (fail to) blast them apart.

It starts off fairly easy, but by about half an hour in (yeh, it can last for ages), you'll be putting special slowing towers in, to give your red rockets more time to kick their asses, and sweating it ouyt about where to put your extra power bonus.

The sound and stuff is pretty lame but then who listens to the sound on flash games? Not i. And it pretty much defines repetition. But there we go, its SERIOUS FUN, so give it a go eh.

Blog time!!

So, i have a blog eh. One of millions of blogspot accounts, which nobody will ever find. Well, suits me i suppose.

Never mind, i'll be my one avid and loyal reader.

What will i be blogging? i ask myself

Well, abit of tv, videogame stuff, fun internets stuff and videos, maybe some serious film reviews here and there, and some anime to top it all off, cause like, im less than 1% off being a major geek (so says the geek test - ) WOW WON'T THIS BE FUN!!

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