Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Random t'internet's game of the week

Lets get things kicked off with a serious awsome internet flash game, from candystand


Basically the aim of the game is to stop these crazy vectoid things from going through this tunnel thing and out the exit. You do this by putting these canon weapon gun things, called towers, on prime locations on their path, and watch as your guns (fail to) blast them apart.

It starts off fairly easy, but by about half an hour in (yeh, it can last for ages), you'll be putting special slowing towers in, to give your red rockets more time to kick their asses, and sweating it ouyt about where to put your extra power bonus.

The sound and stuff is pretty lame but then who listens to the sound on flash games? Not i. And it pretty much defines repetition. But there we go, its SERIOUS FUN, so give it a go eh.

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