Friday, 30 November 2007

New Banner ^.^

As you can see, i have a new banner, made by reader Jonny using frames from my old (crud) comics blog.

I then preceeded to mess it up
It didn't fit the required dimensions, and so i had to do some shoddy ms paint editing to make it fit the blog header. And while i was at it i added some spots and spike things round the edge of the light orange. Basically ruined it then.

Anyways why am i still up, i need sleep.

Urban dictionary

Here are just 4 of the many defintitions from urban dictonary

Like a Goth, only much less dark and much more Harry Potter.
My life sucks, I want to cry


Not to be confused with Nerd. A geek does not have to be smart, a Geek is someone who is generaly not athletic, and enjoys Video Games; Comic Books; being on the internet, and etc.
Only a geek would waste their time on the internet, defining geek on


A word for pot, parent friendly
Mom: where are u off to
Kid: to get some trees
Mom: o thats nice


Why myspace sucks and so do you

1) Cool New People - No. These schmucks are not "Cool." The fact that they are the first thing you see when you log on is a fucking travesty. Why anyone would label these folks "Cool" is beyond our comprehension. At this point we wanted to turn back, but we forged on through the terror in the name of science.

2) Your Goddamn Pictures - "Hay guyz i hav this gr8 idea i think i shud take a pikkchur of myself in da mirrur holding teh camerah at a weiurd angle isnt that original guyz? Am i rite?" Believe it or not, we've caught on to your little tricks. We know that you are fat, ugly, have one eye, and shitty skin, and the crappy emo picture isn't fooling anybody. If you have the inclination to be really artsy, alternative, and original, and if you feel that taking a photo of yourself in the bathroom mirror is the way to do it, at least have the decency to wipe your dried jizz off the mirror. Oh but wait, there in the "View more pics" section you have those cute pictures of you and your buddies with beer in your hand. OMG GUYZ ITS BEER AND WE'RE LIKE 2TALLY UNDERAGE HOW BADASS ARE WE. Grow the fuck up, no one cares. And then you selfish bastards crop your friends out of the pictures so we all know who the attention whore is. We can clearly see their shoulder floating next to you.

3) About Me - Chances are no one comes to your MySpace to learn about how you "dont hav much 2 say" about yourself. These over-glorified AIM profiles contain some of the most useless crap ever to bombard our eyes. If you feel it is appropriate to contribute any information to this section, you're wrong. Save everyone the trouble of reading about your generic, pointless life and do something more productive. Like getting hit by a bus.
ect ect

Thats right, i copyed and pasted a loada stuff so you all thought id done a proper entry, ha. Bitch.

On a completely unrelated note,

Dunno how they're selling so good, i've had one for a couple years, and iv only bought about 5 games for it...

And lastly some dude said he'd make me a banner this weekend. How sweet will that be!?! Not very.

Thursday, 29 November 2007

RSS Hugger

So apparently this is going to help me get some views for my blog. Hey, i need to get more than the 3 / 4 regular readers that my stats would suggest i have.

Anyway i need to tell you all to go here and rave about how great it is. And to be fair it looks like a good site, neatly laid out and slick lookin'. Remains to be seen whetehr it will actually help atall but we shall see...

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Heroes and more.

So there was new internet heroes the other day, 2nd last one before the strike. I can't be bothered to write anything up proper, or find a pic, so...

I was less than impressed, especially after last weeks megaton

Hopefully it will end good-ly though.

Meanwhile i have a new aim fo rthe end of the year; finish 4 games.

Cause i always get games and give up / get bored halfway through.
So i shall aim to finish...
- Super mario galaxy
- Assasin's Creed
- Resident evil 4 (thas right, still aint finished it)
- Sin and punishment

Wish me luck. ... ...

Thursday, 22 November 2007



Heroes 2x09 - Also known as INSANITY

Well im writing this a full 2 days after watching, so i won't bother saying much, but basically, just watch it, watch it NOW.

Its absoloutly brilliant. Mr Bennet gets more and more awesome, and even West is pretty cool (exception: *feeble voice*'mr butler, what are you doing??') The whole episode was twisty and turny like all good tv should be, especially including the mega twist at the end, which i won't say in case someone hasn't watched... but phew!!


The whole episode is generally edited really well; elle's electric coming out being awesome, as with Hiro finding the identity of his father's killer. And its all silenced anyone (me included) who had thought that season 2 was starting to go abit downhill.... (heh yeh, that includes me)
Anyways, point is that it was almost the best heroes ever, coming second too...

... Five years gone, which was on BBC last night. Hopefully not too many people missed it due to the football, 'cause its the best damn episode in the world. I have it recorded to watch tonight (having seen it on tvlinks a few months back)

Wednesday, 21 November 2007


Cocking hell.

Knocked outta the euro 2008... before we even got there...

At least the keeper redeemed himself (very, very slightly)


Our goalkeeper SUCKS!!

DAMNIT we better start playing better!!!!!

Im off to watch proper'

Tissues at the ready

Well i saw this at Gonintendo the other day, and it honestly nearly reduced me to tears, so i thought id share it.

Ghost Hound first 4 episodes - Impressions

Well i was trying to hold up on writing about Ghost Hound until i'd got some sort of grasp about whats going on in it. However, it soon became apparent that that wasn't going to happen any time soon.

For those of you who don't know, (read: everyone), Ghost hound is an anime (yeh, sorry) that started last month, and will be running for 22 episodes. It has been hailed already as the 'gem of the fall season' so i tought id try it out.

The plot focuses on the paranormal, following Toro, a kid who, after being abducted with his sister 11 years ago, has had OBE's in his sleep (outter-body experiences) that he trys to make sense of. The whole him and his sister storyline seems to be the main one throughout the show.

The characters range from great to fairly generic; the feeblish underdog in Toro, Makoto as the cool grumpy kid, the mysterious Miyako, and the brilliantly camp Masayuki; who is later revealed to having a very interesting dark past...
All the characters, like like Toro, experience OBEs throught the show, achieved by a variety of means; Makato, for example, getting them through use of his guitar.

Sound is a key part of the anime, all setting an extremely atmospheric tone that fits the genre well. Speaking of sound, check out the op, its one of the best i've seen^^

Anyways, Ghost hound is an anime with alot of potential, and i havn't quite decided if its extremely boring or extremely interesting. Time will tell....

Saturday, 17 November 2007

Galaxy & Creed

So i went and bought both games earleir today, and have so far had about an hour and a bit on each. GOD THEY'RE BRILLIANT

Assassin's Creed - Prince of Persia meets Hitman meets GTA meets Shadow of the Collosus (sorta) Doesn't get much better. The whole freerunning stuff works a treat and is fantastic fun to do. Even the story seems somewhat interesting, with the whole duel-timelines thing; reminds me of 'Spies' abit; book im reading atm. Apparently the game gets pretty repetitive after a while but we shall see...

Super Mario Galaxy - Eek and squeak it looks great so far. The whole mini worlds is just awesome Best looking wii game so far. In fact best wii game in general it might seem. Probably why its currently holidng the top gamerankings average score ever then.

Anyways id love to stay and write some more, but to be honest id prefer to go back to playing them. Or more likely, getting some sleep... o_o zz
What a Game!!

Just incase anyone hasn't wasted at LEAST 15 minutes on this game, here we go.

Slimeathlete are a bunch of rubbish-looking flash games that actually really kick ass. Theres football & volleyball, rubbish ones like cricket & rugby,
and crazy ones like power slime. They are generally awesome and 2 player which is even greater. Go play.

Slime Soccer - Happily far better than it looks

NARUTO: Shippuuden ep. 34

Okay so im banking on the fact that pretty much everyone who has somehow stumbled accross this blog and read it couldn't give less of a flying fuck about anime. But you know what? Screw you okay?

Because lately Naruto Shippuden (or should i say shit-uden, ahahaha... no) has been wasting hours of my life and i want them back. Particularly evident with the last episode; 20 minutes of absoloutely nothing happenening. Fucking waste.

For a little background on naruto, it began with a series that ran for an original 220 episodes, which up until 130 were, on the whole, seriously good. Then there were about 20 years oif filler, or 90 episodes, half of which i didn't bother watching. This ment that litterally nothing happened to advance the plot in any way. Then, earlier this year, a new series begins called Naruto Shippuden, set 3 yearsish after the original series.

So everyone has been looking forward to it, but so far it's been laregly a load of spun out fucking drivel, exceptions of a couple of good episodes.

This guy was looking to be a good new character, but then in the last episode, he started wearing this extremely mind-scarring-disguisting-tank-top type thing. WHY?!?!

Meanwhile, after seeing the original series being completely ruined, destroyed, murdered by the horrendous cartoon network dub while i was in the US, i feel even more like a loser for watching it.

Anyways i should be picking up Super Mario Galaxy and Assassin's Creed laters so maybe i'll do some impressions....

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Heroes Episode Review

Four Months Ago - Episode 8 - Season 2

Well i must say i'm slightly let down. Heres the good and bad

- Good - Peter's story continues to be pretty watchable, and Adam has gone from an annoying character to a potentially awesome one in just one short episode!!

- Bad - Nikki's story - Largely unnessasary. Id have prefered fro DL to have died after Linderman shot him an all.

- Bad - Maya and Alejandro - pretty much a complete waste of time. We already guessed how it more or less started. Not even very exciting.

Meanwhile, that new woman is pretty hot. & extremely annoying but then that's the point.

Also, Zachary Quinto was in 24????

I will have to watch that season again...

Hand mangeling

I thought ID had a bad weekend. I...
- Cut real deep into my thumb when i was trying to open a sachet of stir fry sauce with a knife
- Cut it with sharp lino cutting tools whilst cutting for a lino print
- Cut it on a big ass thorn in the garden

This is a friends after paintballing.
Good times.

Saturday, 10 November 2007

ARG FU** £)^&£%)^*£"%


Pretty much the sole FUCKING reason that i got Tom clancy goes to Vegas (yes thats what im calling it) was for the 4 player co-op. You know, the one thats only available on fucking system link and live?! CUNTS.

And it says 4 p splitscreen on the box; i CHECKED IT in the shop before i bought it. Then the otherday, couple friends round and we set it up.... oh, 2 player maximum. So we all got annoyed and we played the botless, offline, but at least fucking 3 player halo instead (360 really needs some good offline multiplayer)

Lies!! the Boxart Lies!!!

and so i check on the internet. Search a forum to find;

Originally Posted by muddy_rope (sorry, who calls themselves muddy rope anyway?)
on the back of the boxs it says 4 player split

But it's a mis-print!! I couldnt do it so asked ubisoft and they told me it is wrong!!

FUCKING HELL. What a complete WASTE of money. Well okay, sngle player's good, and the 2p co-op is admittedly fun, but they cant be getting away with this!!

To repeat my point, CUNTS.

Tree of the Week

Don't go thinking i've forgotten about this feature, no sirey, no was jóse. Here we go for tree of the week #2


To quote wikipedia
"Treebeard Fangorn is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth. He is the oldest of the Ents, tree-like beings who are the "shepherds of trees". Very tall and stiff-limbed, with bark-like skin and leafy hair, he befriends Merry and Pippin after they escape from orcs. Under their influence, he causes the downfall and imprisonment of Saruman, the head of the Istari. He lives in the Forest of Fangorn, which is named after him, or he after it."

Treebeard was sad to hear that nobody bothered reading far enough to know about him

I can't pretend that i'm a Lord of the Rings geek; having started reading the trilogy only to give up during the Two Towers (god they were so boring!!) But i can remember Treebeard and his mates being COMPLETE BADASSES in the film, and being mates with Merry and Pippin... which in itself puts him on the Tree of the Week list.

Also, with a name like 'Treebeard', how could you not love him? Treebeard. For fucks sake....

Thursday, 8 November 2007

'Nintendo turned me Noob'

I recently got a 360, and with it halo 3, and now oblivion, perfect dark (avoid, its shit) & most recently Tom Clancy blah blah Vegas. It became clear whilst playing the later that over the past couple of years i've lost my knack for being, ya know, good, at video games.

And i blame it all on fucking Nintendo.
With their lack of any properly decent games for Wii and last years of the gamecube, i've become out of practice, and as a result, been getting my ass handed to me by Vegas. Lets have a look at the good proper wii games out in Europe. Theres Zelda, aka ocarina 1.5, the relitavly lackluster Red Steel, and - Hang on, thats about it. No wonder i've been slipping.

The good news is that finally some good wii games seem to be coming, (Galaxy, Brawl, No more heroes) but after a 3 - 4 year drought of barely buying anything, im suddenly overloaded with choice, especially considering the mammoth catalogue of good 360 games that i should be getting.

& then hopefully i'll have some serious practice for by the time i get round to bothering to buy a live subscription (fucking microsoft, why isn't it free??)

Meanwhile in the world...

- Life drawing, aka naked people drawing, is be the most awkward thing in the world.

- I really need to get proper handwriting

- I really need a new fucking computer. This one has 256mb ram. For the non-geeks, thats absoloute shit.

- Thanks to the bloke at for the link to me.... yeh.

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Zero Punctuation - Phantom Hourglass

Gotta love abit of Yahtzee

Hope everyone gets the Okami reference at the end an all

Make sure you check out his halo 3 review aswell.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Heroes, episode 7, season 2


Well this episode was just AWESOME. Heroes is just AWESOME. If you've never seen it, GO WATCH it, and don't come back 'till you have.

A happy moment came in this episode in the form of the end of Hiro's rubbish going-into-the-past story arc, and they even made it vaguely useful to the rest of the story at the end, as we met the mysterious Adam. A pretty obvious twist (and obvious end to the plotline altogether), but it was all very well excecuted.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
This is Masi Oka on hearing the news that his character's rubbish storyline has finished and he can go back to being awesome.

Elsewhere, Peter went into the future, which perhaps wasn't quite as good as i was hoping it to be (considering the amazing good-ness of '5 years later' in season 1) But it was still interesting in setting the theme for the rest of the season.

Even West didn't get on my nerves as much as he usually does this time, and Claire standing up to 'Noah' was pretty cool to see.

I'll be looking forward, as usual, to the next episode (and no, i havn't seen the promo, must stop watching them...)

Episode rating - 9 / 10

Sunday, 4 November 2007

Tv-links hath shutdown - alternatives

As im sure you know, the popular neat and generally kick ass was shut down a couple weeks back. To people like me, who had been watching stuff like heroes and lost via it, this came as some fucking annoying news. But here we go with a list of alternative site to replace tv links. God im too kind to you invisible readers.

1 - - I was actually using this beforetv-links and its very good. Not quite as clearly laid out and not as regularly updated, but a good 2nd best.

2 - - Adverty cluttered and messy but still does it's job

3 - - Has like tons and tons of stuff, seems pretty sweet.

and not forgetting the sites the they all link to; , divx at stage6 (Sweet quality), and the best,
Veoh is awesome, but sadly their now making people download their web player thing to watch videos. Which is shit. But, it works well so it's not too bad.

Point is, with all them sites, your streaming needs should be covered. Sweet.

YES its a linkdump - This dude practically inspired me to start a blog. Only differnece between our is his is better and people actually read it. - Canon rock 2 'cause this guy is fucking awesome - Like best game ever. Your like a crazy ninja who runs around and stuff. I'll do a proper post on it later. - cos its 'teh shit' - Blog i did with a friend a while ago. Actually don't bother its balls - This is the only successful internet thing i've ever done. An yeh, its bullshit, i actually feel sick when i watch it. Well that was the point, but there we go...

Cybertwin = DUDE! WIN!

So this thing, it's actually properly awesome. It's like one those robot personalities that you, once in your life, probably wasted 5 minutes on.

But yeh, you can like, set your personality to it an stuff, which is great. And then you put it on your myspace or whatever and it records the conversations people have with it.


EDIT: Shit, the embedding won't work. What a loada cock. Try this You might need an account. Totally worth it an stuff though.

Why th fuck do i bother with this

Well there are 3 reasons why your average blogger bothers to blog (and im talking about the shit variety like me, who have never had any traffic) Cause obviously people who do traffic can actually, liek, make money. Shock shock.

1 - ANGER RELEASE. Despite not yet havn't a good swear-filled post
2 - If you donb't have stats you can trick yourself into thinking that you're actually real popular
3 - ...Ah shit, i cant tink of one.

The annoying part of blogspot is that, despite it being a good site an all, there are so many fucking accounts that nobody will ever find lol-trees amongst them. I mean what kind of cunt is gunna search for lol-trees?

I'd be happy is i just had one dude sitting at his computer and reading this shit. That would be awesome. Not gunna happen though

Saturday, 3 November 2007

Jazz Punk = awesome

Anyone see Later... last night?
Just me?
Oh right, thats cause im talking to meself.

Well anyways there was this band, Soil and "Pimp" Sessions were playing. They were the best thing on the program byt far, and it was amusing to hear their cheer after hard fi's much smaller clap.

Heres the music video with Avalanche


Not really sure where people have got Jazz / Punk from though. I see no punk.


... are always a humungous letdown.

I been looking forward to the fireworks all week, which is real sad. Then they arrived and were a big failure.....

Like this but nothing like as good

Bah (humbug)

Thursday, 1 November 2007

Artpad at Art.Com

So i rediscovered the best site ever the other day


Basically its a site where you draw whatever, then get its saved and once you click the link it plays it back to you, kinda like a timelapsey thing. The site is nice and easy to use, especially once you got the hang on the whole opacacy whatnot.

That link up there goes to one by me. It's Nyu from the anime Elfen Lied. Im pretty chuffedish. yeh....

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