Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Heroes, episode 7, season 2


Well this episode was just AWESOME. Heroes is just AWESOME. If you've never seen it, GO WATCH it, and don't come back 'till you have.

A happy moment came in this episode in the form of the end of Hiro's rubbish going-into-the-past story arc, and they even made it vaguely useful to the rest of the story at the end, as we met the mysterious Adam. A pretty obvious twist (and obvious end to the plotline altogether), but it was all very well excecuted.

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This is Masi Oka on hearing the news that his character's rubbish storyline has finished and he can go back to being awesome.

Elsewhere, Peter went into the future, which perhaps wasn't quite as good as i was hoping it to be (considering the amazing good-ness of '5 years later' in season 1) But it was still interesting in setting the theme for the rest of the season.

Even West didn't get on my nerves as much as he usually does this time, and Claire standing up to 'Noah' was pretty cool to see.

I'll be looking forward, as usual, to the next episode (and no, i havn't seen the promo, must stop watching them...)

Episode rating - 9 / 10

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