Friday, 25 January 2008

Mini Reviews for Mini Games

Firstly, blogger is wank, mainly because i have to set a new password every time i sign on. This is because i always forget the new password, due to the bloody length minimum. Why cant a fucking password have just 7 letters?? It's not like anybody's gunna be hacking this blog.

That out the way then, i recently got myself a hardrive (Woop, i now have moreorless a premium console) and some points, and downloaded 3 xbox live arcade titles, which i have here mini-reviewed...

Geometry Wars

I'm sure everyone knows all about this title, and if you haven't, come on out from beneath your rock. It's a simple arcade-like title first released as a minigame / easter egg in pgr2, where you pilot a small ship, and weave in and out of and tear down increasingly insane amounts of enemies. They spawn from the corners, from the sides, in circles around you, and one touch from them and you'll lose a life. It is all just so unbelievably fluid and well presented, with almost beautiful swarms of colours and ripples that in some ways the graphics themselves are among the best i have ever seen. The game in itself is more or less faultless; from the brilliantly simple dual analogue control to the damn value for money it offers; 400 points for a game that YOU WILL spend hours on.

10 / 10
(and my high score is currently sitting at just over 500,000 if you're interested)

Sensible Soccer

I never actually played the original, but as everyone always hails it as the 'greatest football game ever', i figured i'd give it a try. Of the three downloads, this is probably the one i had the least time with, but from the time i've put in in it seems pretty fun; kinda reminds me of Marcel Desailly's Soccer on my trusty Nokia 3410, or an old snes game that me and a friend used to spend hours on. This is probably because both of those games completely rip Sensi off, so it's been cool to see where it all came from. However, without the nostalgia the game seems fairly annoying at times. The menus are seemingly unchanged from the original, and confusing, and the game evidently has a fairly steep learning curve, with annoying niggles that you won't be used to at first; you can't change direction 180 degrees as you will lose control of the ball, for instance.
Nonetheless it's good fun, and with only one button and an analogue stick (i refuse to use the crap d - pad), it's a refreshing change from the 10+ button affairs of pes and the like.

7 / 10

Alien Hominid

This is what the arcade was invented for. Nice update of the quirky handrawn-feeling newgrounds flash game, with a ton of levels, multiplayer stuff and minigames that'll give you good playtime for your points. Kinda tough; i really sucked ass for the first few minutes, but soon enough i was chomping off fbi agent's heads and chucking tens of grenades at the nail-tough bosses as they gradually wore down my supply of lives. Also did i mention that you unlock hats as you play? I currently have a wizard's hat on. Fun game.

8.5 / 10

Next up will be Omega 5 and Rez HD (Woop!)
And in other news i have tickets ordered to Reel Big Fish, Astoria, March. S'gunna be fookin good

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