Friday, 8 February 2008

Fucking Blogger and stuff

*is still pissed off about the fucking password restrictions*

Anyway heres a fun game i found on the internet

The Never Ending Level game

See how far you can get. I got to lv29, where i had to stop, as macs lack the # sign which i need to pass the level. I checked, it ain't like im just doing the wrong thing. So i feel slightly pissed off. Anyway give it a go. Kinda like Not Pr0n, expect alot less complicated, and easier.


- Finished Bioshock; man that was good, overtook Galaxy as GOTY for me. Shame for the sodding fetch-quests in the second half though. 9 .5/ 10
- Downloaded Rez - and played the hell outta it. Missed out on ps2 version, so than god again for xbla. Killer game, area four in particular was brilliant. Strangely weird and a rare instance of me actually listning to game music rather than just putting on itunes and muting the volume...
- Lost season 4 is fucking incredible so far!! Best it's been since the first season. Hopefully it'll keep this up. Can't be much worse than the first few s3 episodes anyways... So many questions from the first two episodes!! And it looks like they're gunna be answered, which is nice... The flashbacks in particular have worked well so far, especially in the 2nd epsiode; 'Confirmed Dead', being short, consise, and, cruicially, not disrupting the flow of the episode. Good to see more of theatAbingdon (sp?) bloke,, very intriguing character.
Oh but they need to get rid of the annoying english woman. We do not sound like that.

And now i have a week off working, aahhhh relaxation.......

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