Monday, 14 April 2008

Another Anime Post *groans* - New season first impressions

What with it being a new season of anime and all, there's a ton of stuff starting, and, as i've now finished Noein, i've watched the first episode of a couple of the new shows. Actually i ment to post this a week back but o forgot. So in some ways this post is now pointless, but meh.

Kurenai - Being done by Brains Base, who did the kick ass Baccano! Last year, i had high hopes for this. But alas i was disappointed; the characters seem flat, the music is repetitive (im all for piano but not all the damn time) and frankly it bored me. The only hint of something interesting was the kid's arm, which went all weird at various points though out the episode. Oh and WTF was up with that op??

Watch more? No, not unless the animeblogs suddenly jizz all over it

Soul Eater - Overhyped but still good stuff. About this girl and this guy who transforms into this badasss weapon. The storyline seems pretty shite / non existent but the animation is delicious enough to make up for it. Get it in HD, its worth it.

Watch More? Probably

And i also randomly went and watched some more old skool stuff. Well not old skool but just not new.

Samurai Champloo - Awesome, awesome, awesome :D Really good first episode, im liking the Hip Hop soundtrack. The question is whether or not it will have a more an overarching... story arc than Bebop did. I never had the motivation to watch Cowboy bebop cause of it's episode structures. Interesting to see how this develops

Watch more? Yes, definitely

Welcome to the NHK - Pretty dumb but immensely enjoyable; im glad it was recommended to me, as from screenshots and summaries i would no way have watched. It's about this guy, a geek, or otaku if you wanna get technical, who spends all his time in his room, doing squat. Then one day some girl comes and challenges him to change his lifestyle. Anyways, its good fun and I can see it becoming abit of a guilty pleasure of mine. And the music pwns aswell ;D

Watch more? Yeah go on then :P

As I said, I finished Noein. I was way too tired to take in the ending when i watched it though... fucked with my head. Ill watch the last episode again one day.

Aww now i feel like a proper animeblogger

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