Thursday, 3 July 2008

Wow a blog post!!

Im not too sure what to do with this blog these days. Myeah.
It's been so long since the last post I think I'll give all the stuff I've been / done / seen / played / listened to / ect ect, with 3 words describing each. Actually theres a tonne more that I can't remember at the moment.

Quite Fun. Wizard!
8 / 10

Beck Mongolian Chop Squad
Greatful Sound Ftw
10 / 10

The Radio Rocks
9.5 / 10

Iron Man
IMDB Top250 WTF?
4 / 10

Lost Season 4
Return to Form
9 / 10

The Prestige
T'was vair Clever
9 / 10

And speaking of which, 2 important things i have learned
1 - People who don't turn the volume up enough with music or more importantly films annoy the hell out of me
2 - Never let a girl wear any of your clothes because she WILL keep them


Anonymous said...

Who did you lend your clothes to, why, and why?
You still got Helena's iPod btw?
HAHAHA, a comment on here. That's like, unheard of.

Iliketrees said...

Lol fuck off.

And Jade. She saw me cardigan in me bag when we met up and was like WOW A CARDIGAN CAN I TRY IT ON?? And she did and I forgot she still had it on a couple hours later once she'd gone...

And nahp Im pretty sure its just knocking around in her car somewhere

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