Thursday, 13 March 2008

Death note - Sorry, Dexter

Having missed it on ITV the other week, i downloaded the first two episodes of Dexter (unfortunate name - it reminds me of that crap cartoon, Dexters laboratory) and watched them. Now while i am 100% loving it and am extremely impressed, i have one little gripe... i'm getting a serious case of Deja Vu.

To quickly explain the basic premise of dexter, it's about a man who appears to lack real human emotion, who, unknown to his friends and family, is a serial killer who goes around killing criminals and other such bad dudes. meanwhile, his day job sees him on the 'other side'; working as a forensics guy who looks into blood splatters. So no doubt he'll end up doing the whole 'chasing himself' charade at some point in the series. Add to this the fact that his father (and sister) are on the police force, that he is extremely clever, annoyingly good looking and is seemingly a bit of a ladies man, and if you are a fan of anime, you will most likely be raising an eyebrow around now... Basically, this is Death Note, only without the Deathnote.

The similarities to Death Note, the geniusly gripping japanese manga and animation which ended it's 36 episode run late year are painstakingly huge. Not like this is a bad thing in any way; Death Note completely fucking rocked, and so does Dexter.

So download it, ITV it, just watch it. If you loved death note you'll be right at home. And if your loving Dexter, seriously, check out death note on the web sometime. If only to see what the Dexter writers watch in their spare time.

Edit: Oh and if you do, make sure you watched subbed not dubbed. Because a quick look on youtube has shown me that they made Ryuk have a ridiculous voice.

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