Friday, 7 March 2008

Top 5 - Videogame Elements I Wish Were Real

Ha. Well, after reading a thread on the subject i came to the conclusion that life would be much improved if it was more like a videogame. (i'll try and go through the post without referencing that futurama episode) Man, there are so many omissions to this list... being able to wonder into anyones house and steal things from their cupboards, drawers, bins... saving and loading... bottomless pits...

5 - Extra Lives

This makes the list mainly because it would just be alot of fun. Then again there would need to be a healthy amount of 1ups available, otherwise everyone would just be killing everyone for fun, not knowing when thy're one off a game over. Aging would be a problem. When people die from old age would they just keep losing lives or would they lose their illness?

4 - Leveling up by repeating things over and over

Sleeping Ability increased to level 47

On second thoughts, this sort of works already. But it would be alot cooler to see BLOGGING SKILLS INCREASED pop up in my head when i finish this post. Or a BIOLOGY ABILITY INCREASED to make me actually have some motivation to revise...

3 - Background Music

Abit like that family guy episode where Peter wishes for his own life theme tune. This would be especially cool if it was like good game music; and changed depending on the situation.

2 - Achievement points IRL

Achievement Unlocked - 35G

Finished all of an in flight meal

This would be incredibly pwnsome. Especially when you meet people and have a gamerscore far superior to them. I always get a kick when the achievement unlocked box pops up and im sure id feel the same way in real life.

1 - Pokemon

Well it had to be didn't it. Who ever played through pokemon without thinking, man i wish this was really happening. You could just head on into the woods and catch yourself a bulbasaur, or grab yourself an Onix when you're off on holiday- and fight your friends, stealing all their money and items when all their lv 16 psyduck blacks out.

Of course on of the best things about the games were that you, a random kid from a loser town could so easily become the greatest trainer in the world. So i think i would like this sort of advantage in real life. kthx.

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