Sunday, 30 December 2007

2007....... THE LOL-TREES AWARDS!!!

It's what you've all been waiting for. Seeing as every website (mainly videogame related) is doing awards, i thought id jump on the bandwagon...

Best Episode of TV
Lost Season Finale - Many YEAH NICE! moments, and a killer ending that reminded us why, despite all the filler, slow pacing and crap flashbacks, we still watch lost.

Runners up - Heroes: 5 years gone - Aahh this was awesome. Pointless, yet awesome; incredibly well made for a tv show - Greys Anatomy -That one with the Bazooka shell... - The episode that made this show go from a fun little hospital show to a real good drama

Worst Episode of the Year
Doctor Who -
Christmas Special - jesus, why would anyone voluntarily watch this bullcrap?? Awful in every way, and, as ive been forced to watch them before, even worse than previous years.

Runners Up - lost - That one with Jack and the tatoos... - Any Episode of Big Brother this Year; it was even worse than normal...

Game Of the Year (GOTY YAY!)
Super Mario Galaxy -
In the words of Reggie, 'the true successor to Super Mario 64'. Textbook platforming at its finest, imaginative worlds, bosses, and the best music and graphics seen on the wii... its just awesome fun!! Still, i havn't actually finished it yet...- Then again, i haven't actually played a whole load of the games in this 'golden year of gaming' - Bioshock, COD4, Orange box, i all need to be buying...
Runners up - Okami - great painty-wolfy-Zelda released early in the year - Assassin's Creed - Come on admit it, it was good fun

Pre-2007 GOTY
Resident Evil 4 -
Thought id add this catagory as i spend half the year playing old GC and PS2 games. Anyways i just got to the final boss of this today, and by god its so damn good!! Kicking Zombies heads off, kneecapping and cutting at their heads, and the kick ass 'WOTCHA BUYING.... STRANGER' Dude

Runners up - Pokemon Yellow, Shadow of the Colossus

Album of the YearKlaxons - Myths of the Near Future - Well it shouldn't have beaten Bat for Lashes for the mercury prize, but this was a good exciting album with some pretty cracking tunes. And wow good keyboards in rock music!!

Runners up - Arctic Monkeys - Favorite Worst Nightware - Good 'tricky second album' - Enter Shikari - Take to the Skies - Bloc party - Weekend in the City

Anime of the Year
Death Note - Probably the easiest choice of all these awards, Death Note a brillaint twisty turny plot, well thought out, intricate and clever from beginning to end, and with some of the most memorable characters - ok mainly L - which i have ever seen.

Runners Up - Baccano!, Nice Pulp Fiction-esque mafia story, kinda confusing - Darker than Black - Stupidly erratic in quality, that nonetheless had some of the best episodes i have ever seen; episodes 13 - 14, aswell as a fantastic ending and beautiful soundtrack.

Virtual Console Game
Gunstar Heroes - Now my friend was very much unimpressed by this in co-op, but really he's mental; the game is crazy, a kick ass run and gun shooter with some crazy weapons that you can merge together. Pretty hard aswell and and awesome board gameish final level.

Runners up - Lylat Wars, Pokemon Snap

Art Exhibition
Andy Goldsworthy in the Yorkshire Sculpture park- Don't really feel like writing about this since writing 10 pages on it for an art thesus, but trust me he makes some incredibly interacate natural sculptures, out of raw materials; sticks and stones.

Runner Up - Millais at tate Britain

Best Surprisingly good thing
Mario Strikers Charged
- Just fun gameplay and great 2 player per console online made for surpising amounts of fun and swearing on the wii earlier this year.

Runner up - Extras Christmas Special - Not only was this 10000x better than fucking Dr Who, but it was all very moving in the ending - nearly made me cry - and was actually close to Office quality

Nicest thing i ate
Fish in San Fransisco
- Aahh it was so good. Went to the same resturant twice in a row cause most the rest were always full. the waiter remembered our drinks and everything. Anyways the meal was gawjus

Runner up - Clam Chowder in Monterey

Oh yeh, and i'm annoyed; nearly got 1000 (unique) hits on this blog, but nearly all of them have come from a measly 3 line post moaning about fireworks. Maybe i should just not bother doing good posts anymore...

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