Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Top 10 games i never finished playing

Looking though my fairly large libary of games yesterday, i realised just how many of them id never got round to finishing; a bad habit mainly due to getting bored of them.
So heres my favorite games-which-i-never-beat. Maybe this'll convince me to get round to finishing soma them off...

(not counting games i have recently bought)

10 - Jak 3 - This first one wasn't so muych my fault, as my ps2 decided to cock up and die halfway through playing it. I kept the game but gave my memory card to a friend, to get it back a year later, when i bought a new system. But i'd lost all my saves for all my games and didn't much fancy playing through it all again
9 - Dark chronicle - Sequel to the awesome Zelda clone Dark cloud, this was a pretty good game that was for much of the time essentially a dungeon crawler; something i got bored of before the end. Nonethless, fish racing was pretty sweet.
8 - Link to the past - Just kinda forgot what i was supposed to be doing and gave up.... QUITTER!
7 - Final Fantasy X - The only Final Fantasy i have owned (apart from tactics), and as i bought it a for a tenner a couple years after it was released, i just couldn't be bothered with seeing the 50 and whatever game through... Looked good though, from the tenish hours i put in.
6 - Zelda Majora's mask - I'm now waiting for this on VC. I was fairly youngish when i got this, and not the fully fledged gamer that you needed to be to beat this, the hardest Zelda evaarr
5 - Lost in Blue - I actually really enjoyed this game, and got so close to escaping before i gave up. Think it's cause i couldn't be bothered to trek all the way across the island and back, and prepare food and ect. And all with that slow blind girl aswell... (sexism in videogames!!)
4 - Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker - Hey wow another Zelda! Thats right, i couldn't be bothered with the shitty, crappy, bollocks triforce hunt...
3 - Resident Evil 4 - Yeh, thats right, i never finished this. In fact, again, i bought it on the cheap years after it's release, and was damn glad i did. But somewhere on the 4th chapter i got meself a 360, and got distracted by that instead. I'll finish one day though...
2 - Tales of Symphonia - Ok this game was f***ing awesome; if ida finished it woudld proably be one of my top 5 games of all time. The combat system was real fun for an rgp, great cel shaded graphics, and the characters where great (if cliched). But it was another game that i bought years after it's released, and i relaised that i'd probably never have time to finish it when i remembered that, after 30ish hours in, i was still only on the first disk...
1 - Shadow of the Colossus - Regarded by many as the ps2's best game, GOTY and so on, whilst others are completely oblivious to it. For those who don't know, its a game where the only aim you have is to track down and defeat 16 enormous beasts, of 'colossus', in a bid to rescue your girl - and i got stuck on the sonofabitch 11th. No towns, no mundane quests, no sidequests, just killing em. Now this is another which i really, really need to go back and finish playing through, as it again is potentially one of the best games i have ever played, epic and beautiful in every way. It also has apparently one of the best endings ever in a game, though i have been partly spoiled...

Fuck yeh

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