Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Heroes season 2 roundup

As you might have noticed, i didn't bother with reviewing the last heroes of season 2, mainly because to be frank i was a little disapointed. Not to say it was bad, but after a friend kept describing it to me as if it were the second coming of jesus, it was abit of a letdown.

In fact, it made the ending of s1, which was shown last week on bbc, seem pretty good, and i remember thinking it rubbish. Still corny though... 'all you need is love'...

Yeh i know, irrelevant image.... but it's cool.

They tied up the Adam storyline nicely, but not very interestingly, and, again, too predictiably. His plotline was pretty sucky anyway. And i still think he'll be able to dig out of that grave, i mean what else is he gunna be doing in there? Expect him back mid season 4 (hopefully not)

They've given us some nice stuff to theorise about aswell; was Noah the killer? Why did he suddenly become 86% less of a badass? And yeh, sylar's baacckk...

Anyway, season 2 was average to poor in comparison to the first, but im still looking forward to volume 3, whenever it will be coming out...

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