Saturday, 8 March 2008

Here we go again...

Weekly summary time

- Very nearly seen all of the Coen's films. The Man Who Wasn't there was superb, one of the best films i've seen in a long time. 10 / 10

- I still haven't seen Juno and or There Will Be Blood...

- I sorted out my labels sytem on this blog, so now it all works out nicely and you can use them properly >>
Was it worth the half hour it took to change them all? Probably not, no.

- Fairly screwed up some early A levels, but meh, no biggy. High C's, could be worse considering i started revising about 3 days before...

- Dennou Coil is a good anime

- Lost sucked ass

- I finally succumbed to watching skins, having downloaded the Sid episode that was, admittedly, pretty good, and rather moving.

- That's really about it... boring week i guess

Oh crap yeh Reel Big Fish!! Never did write about that...

1 comment:

Yedna said...

'The Man Who Wasn't There' was a surprisingly strong Coen Bros film. FOr my money, 'The Big Lebowski' will always be tops. However,'Barton Fink' will always hold a special place in my heart. You never forget your first!

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